Every two weeks as I wrap up the latest edition of this newsletter, I realise it’s jammed with material. That being the norm, this edition is extra packed with sweet Dec-jam so strap yourself in.
-First things first. My OLD DOG Limerick Signing has been rescheduled for this coming weekend! Oct 21st, 2PM. BE THERE! You can also pre-order a signed copy from O’Mahony’s via this link, but get those orders in ASAP as the signing is in a few days.
So I’ve been to Rome. It was pretty damn great, the Romics show treated my like some kind of Irish king, and god… the food. Amazing. I actually got a photo of me away in a foreign city, which never happens.
See? I get out. Sometimes.
I was astonished to see that the convention had made this exhibition space for my work, centering on my work from INJECTION and OLD DOG. My jaw was on the floor when I saw it, a very surreal experience. That I also totally loved, of course.
Something else I loved was being awarded the Golden Romic, an award the convention gives to distinguished creators, or something like that, I’m not entitely sure why they piked me, to be honest. Fist Golden Romic was awarded to Syd Mead I’m told, so I’m in good company.
The Golden Romic, now proudly displayed on top of my Star Trek ship display case.
Awards mean nothing to me, clearly.
I also managed to trade some art and pick up a couple of amazing artwork, a Massimo Carnevale painted cover that was the cover for CONAN #11, an issue I drew…
And this incredible piece by Sergio Toppi. God I’m so happy to have these.
I had a really great show in Rome where I both busted my arse to do a rake of sketches for those picking up OLD DOG [below], but also not exhausting myself into the ground, as once I got home I had a day to get affairs in order and then…

Made my regular pilgrimage to New York Comic Con. I’m long past the days of looking for work/ trying to network and now mainly go to reconnect with friends, peers and colleagues. I wanted to push OLD DOG too of course so I got a table to do that, as well as have a place for people to find me. My phone couldn’t get online most of the time, which frustratingly meant I missed meeting up with a lot of people I’d have loved to have seen. Overall though, I had a total blast.

The show itself, was a little weird. No real demand for original art of even sketches. I only really did a handful over the whole weekend where I’d normally have a queue each day. Also,charging for sketches seems to have become the norm. Something I am extremely uncomfortable with. When it comes to slabbed/CGC stuff, I can see why. Or, if it’s an older creator with a long run of titles under their belt, etc. But as a base level, I’m not on board with charging for signatures on regular comics I’ve done. I’d prefer you buy a new book and read it.

OLD DOG did sell well at the table- a little slow at first, but did VERY well on Sunday. Thanks to all who picked it up! I did a rough Sharpie sketch in each as a bonus.
Really, thaks to everyone who came by to say hi, or picked up someting from the table. Was a pleasure to see all of you, especially you Decolytes! Was very pleased some Declarations readers said hello.
-My Man-Thing/Daredevil story with Alex Lins and Matt Milla is out tomorrow in CRYPT OF SHADOWS #1! Here’s a peek at the first page…
-Jason Latour has started serialising a new comic, FRISKY FOX. Latour is a master cartoonist in my view, this is a beautiful and refreshing strip, in the vein of Looney Tunes but through Latour’s distinctively absurdist eye.
-Finally, writer/artist Ben Stenbeck, has a four part miniseries out on December 6th called OUR BONES DUST and I’m so excited to read it. I love Ben’s work in the Mignolaverse and when I met him at a show years ago, he mentioned he had a creator owned book he wanted to do and I encouraged him to pitch it to Image. Finally, looks like it’s happened! Below is the cover, you can read an interview with Ben here. Can’t wait for this.
-Lastly, I was thinking I might start putting together a ‘mystery pack’ of comics each month. I have a lot of comps, from OLD DOG issues to Marvel variant covers, to covers for various creator owned books. I was thinking I could maybe pack 4 signed comics together and sell them via my shop. Would ye be interested in that? Let me know in the comments [if no one comments I’ll assume there’s no interest].
Some news! During NYCC last week, Dynamite announced a new THUNDERCATS series [as part of a larger Warner Brothers licencing deal] written by myself with art by Drew Moss. Covers also by me. Here’s the cover and press release…
This new series aims to be a refreshing yet timeless take on the classic mythos and characters, pulling from Shalvey’s ability to weave complex narratives alongside the striking visuals from Moss. The initial storyline is currently planned to delve into the earliest days on Third Earth, the world that the ThunderCats are forced to survive on after escaping their original home. With an origin approach in part, the title will explore untold histories and new challenges for Lion-O, Cheetara, and the rest of the group.
With Lion-O at the center, following his journey toward becoming a worthy leader, the team will work together, combining their diverse talents, attitudes and learning about the magical power of the Eye of Thundera. But will they be able to accomplish these goals and growth, with Mumm-Ra the Ever-Living’s eyes set on them? With the franchise’s trademark blend of action, drama, and touches of science fiction, fans will not want to miss this all-new approach
The newest addition to the ThunderCats franchise has the creative team of Declan Shalvey, Drew Moss, and Jeff Eckleberry. It will explore the earliest days of its heroes' time on Third Earth, documenting their untold history and Lion-O's growth as a heroic leader. Some of the other franchises that will be explored after ThunderCats debut include The Flintstones, The Powerpuff Girls, Space Ghost, Jonny Quest, The Wizard of Oz, and We Bare Bears. There are also more that will be announced in the future.
Shalvey will dig deeper into the iconic character relationships and push further on the science fiction underpinnings, while Moss is set to portray the wondrous environments of Third Earth and the visually engaging action set pieces. With Lion-O at the center, following his journey toward becoming a worthy leader, the team will work together, combining their diverse talents, attitudes, and learning about the magical power of the Eye of Thundera. But will they be able to accomplish these goals and growth, with Mumm-Ra the Ever-Living's eyes set on them? With the franchise's trademark blend of action, drama, and touches of science fiction, fans will not want to miss this all-new approach.
The story behind this? Well, after having arrived in Cork for the Comic Expo a few weeks ago, I got to my hotel after drinks with the Irish creators with an email from Nate Cosby asking if I wanted to write/develop a new THUNDERCATS series. I was pretty drunk and excited so immediately said yes, fell asleep, leaving me very confused when I woke up the next morning before the show.
So yes, THUNDERCATS. I was quite the fan as I kid, I still remember seeing the opening title sequence for the first time at a cousins house and having my tiny mind blown. I had a treasured Lion-O figure, a Mumm-Ra with light-up eyes and I *think* I had a Sword Of Omens… i have a memory of a plastic sword that would extend out in three sections. So I argue I have the credentials.
It was very cool to announce it at NYCC, after the whole project coming together pretty quickly! I’m currently writing the first issue after an outline for the first arc being handed in for approval.
I of course, had to use that ‘Sight beyond sight’ image for the first cover. One; as it was so cool to draw! But two; establish the previous iconography without giving away the visual direction of the book. keep a little mystery. The approach I wanted to go with, which both Drew and Warner Brothers were into was taking the original concept and pushing it in a more sci-fi direction. This is a new take on the ThunderCats, but rooted in the basic original concept. Drew has updated designs for all the characters that myself and Nate gave feedback on, bt I’m VERY excited to see what drew does on this book, I’ve been an admirer for years and I think this is a project that will really put him on the map.
I’ll surely be teasing this in future, no longer referring to it as PROJECT EXODUS [‘Exodus’ was the title of the pilot episode of the series], but the first issue is out in February so will be solicited soon. I have a good feeling about this one, es;ecially after the sense of excitement I got from the news break at NYCC so get your orders in earlier rather than later.
ThunderCats #1 variant by Lucio Parillo
I’m starting to work out the next block of story, my plan is to build REDACT TWO as three larger story blocks, so each chapter will be bigger, giving me room to build things out more. Not really much point in getting too into it just yet, but I’m excited to knock things up a notch. While at NYCC I also asked a huge artist to draw a variant cover for the next chapter and he agreed! Signing so many copies at NYCC felt really great. I’m so happy with the book as an object, a project, as an artistic endeavor. I can’t wait to to do more.
I’ve made no real progress with the DOSSIER just yet as I’ve been away for 2 weeks, but now starting to tally everything up and work out my printing numbers, etc. Designer Ryan Brewer has been building it up more since. Means it’ll be wrapped a little later than I was aiming for, but just by a couple of weeks. Here’s a peek at some recent work by Ryan…
I’m hoping to do a commentary livestream with Danny Earls about the ALIEN ANNUAL, keep an eye out online for that in the next week.
I’ve just handed in my layouts for Issue Three of ALIEN: DESCENDANT and about to get stuck in to pencils. Here’s a peek at one of my pages for Issue Two.
Recently handed in my lettering draft for Issue One and got some notes to deal with on Issue Four. I’ve seen a brilliant variant for Issue One by Ian Bertram but it’s such a low resolution, I don’t want to post it til I have a better version at hand.
Myself and Rory McConville were able to have lunch with Heather Antos at NYCC, though I had to bounce early, so didn’t get to talk about TBT. Glad we sat down though. Signed a lot of TBT at NYCC too, and Rory sat with me for a while so he got the in-person reaction from readers which was great to see.
Seeing the schedule, it’s very weird that the final issue will come out the same day as the new ALIEN series and the trade for ALIEN: THAW. I guess I will soon be retiring this as a headline feature with the book’s main production now wrapped.
October 18th
October 25th
Nov 01, 2023
November 15th
ALIEN #1 [W]
I did not know about this comment section until now. Count me in for the comic pack even though I already have a good few signed and plenty more to get signed I'll take a gamble on a 4pk.👍
"Project Exodus". I shoulda been able to figure that one out!
Could not be more excited for it!