Welcome to DECLARATIONS a bi-weekly newsletter by artist/writer Declan Shalvey.
This is a regular workblog featuring exclusive peeks at upcoming projects with advance releases of original art/merchandise.
Hello all, I’m currently at Stephen Mooney’s house finishing off this newsletter so it might[?] be a bit lighter than normal.
-People really seemed to respond to my listed workload from the last Declarations so I think I’ll continue to make that list going forward. I think it’ll also help me with my sense of accomplishment which makes a big difference in keeping one self motivated. The way I normally work, I tend to achieve a target, feel good about myself for 2 minutes, then instantly forget about it as I jump onto the next thing. It’s helpful to remind myself that I actually am getting stuff done. Ergo…
Finished pencils on MYSTIQUE #4
Inked the rest [10 pages] of MYSTIQUE #4.
Colour notes for MYSTIQUE #3.
Wrote TERMINATOR #4 pages.
Inked Marvel cover
Inked DC cover.
Did layouts for 4 covers.
Pencilled THUNDERCATS cover.
Drew 2 owed headsketches for SDCC
Final lettering edit on TERMINATOR #3.
Did my takes!
Signed at Thought Bubble
-I had a blast at Thought Bubble, was reminded of how much work I’ve done over the last two years [!] and caught up with some friends, far too many to list here. Was great to catch up with everyone, have some great chats about what people are working on and thinking about. Has great face time with people like Chip Zdarsky, Juni Ba, Becky Cloonan and Caspar Wjingaard that really got me inspired. Special mention also to Will Morris who gifted me a page from our issue of TIME BEFORE TIME.
Here’s the two owed SDCC headshots
The two headsketch commissions I took for Thought Bubble, JACK LYNCH/OLD DOG and MOON KNIGHT…
And one of the many rough sketches I did in copies of OLD DOG
I’m aiming to take care of owed commissions in December/Jan, once MYSTIQUE is finished and I get started on the next OLD DOG chapter.
-Last week, Image Comics re-released the ‘webcomic’ we did in the run up to the release of TIME BEFORE TIME. I thought with the series now complete, it’d be a good idea to put them out again with updated promo graphics, courtesy of Sasha Head. Here they are all together. I still think they’re great and really interesting to reread in the context of the finished series.
I’ll be back home tomorrow to jump on the next/last MYSTIQUE script and a bunch of covers, then should be pencilling that final MYSTIQUE issue asap.
NOTICE: All original art for Issue One of MYSTIQUE will be vaulted when the next Declarations comes out in two weeks. The original art for Issue Two will be releasd on that date so if you want a page from the debut issue, you have a few days left to nab one.
Issue Four is all done on my end, Matt Hollingsworth is currently working on colours, can’t wait to see them. I really leaned into the ‘I can draw whoever I like’ aspect of this book in this issue.
Not a whole lot I can show on this book but here’s a page from Issue Three. Man, I love Matt’s colours.
And a variant cover for the same issue, by Mateus Manhanini.
Cant wait to see what people thing of Issue Two, out next week.
Issue Ten is out tomorrow! A really dark SLYTHE based story set in the fallout of our previous issue drawn by Joe Mulvey. Dynamite just released some preview pages, so feast your eyes!
I hope ye enjoy it, and the great skills of Mulvey who really gave it his all on this issue. I expect bigger and better things for him in the future…
In the meantime, Drew Moss is doing beautiful work on Issue Eleven…
Here’s an early peek at my cover for Issue Thirteen, an all-Snarf issue.
Issue Two came out last week so I can finally show off all these lovely David O’Sullivan preview pages, with Colin Craker colours and Jeff Eckleberry letters.
Reception has been really positive, which is a relief. I think Dave and Colin look great together but the work is obviously different from Luke Sparrow. Suits the story of course but people rightly loved Luke’s work. I think it works because it’s a totally different story so I’m glad it’s working for readers too. Just signed off on the next/ final part, then concentrating on the Soviet submarine-set Issue Four and plans for Luke…
November 20th
November 27th
December 4th
December 11th
December 18th
December 25th
January 15th
January 22nd
January 29th
Art Deco question: did any leftover Terminator NYCC exclusives make it to the store? I remember you saying you sold a lot of them, but didn't say they sold out.
I' gutted I 'missed T' Bubz this year... Screwed up my back so been laid up since Halloween.. Not gotten to the comic store for a minute either I'm so behind on all your stuff.. I feel like a disloyal fann.... I love reading your newsletter... It's a genuine pleasure to have watched your career blossom and your work just gets better and better... Also the Star Trek covers are fire.. 💛